Civil Society for Myanmar

Dedicated to Building a Civil Society in Myanmar


Civil Society for Myanmar (CSM) was formed in New York City in 1997. CSM is headed by Htun Aung Gyaw. He holds a Master of Arts degree in Asian Studies from Cornell University and a Bachelor of Science in Geology from Rangoon Arts and Science University, Myanmar. Htun Aung Gyaw was sentenced to life in 1975 for leading two demonstrations; “U Thant Uprising" in 1974 December and “June Strike" in 1975. He was released in 1980 under Amnesty Order. He joined the nationwide uprising in 1988 and formed the organization called “Freedom Fighters of Burma" (FFB). After military staged a second coup in September 18, 1988 he left his family and went to the Thai-Myanmar border. More than 10,000 students and activists arrived to the border and formed All Myanmar Students' Democratic Front (ABSDF). He was elected as the first Chairman of ABSDF on November 5th, 1988.

CSM (USA) Vice Chairman Soe Nyunt was the Vice Chairman of the “U Thant Uprising" and a dedicated supporter. He holds a Bachelor of Economics from Rangoon Institute of Economics. He was sentenced to 9 years for leading the uprising. He came to the border and was elected as the Chairman of ABSDF’s Wankha camp.

We have two CSM branches; one is in Tokyo, Japan and the other is in Yangon, Myanmar. Our headquarter is in Ithaca, New York. We have seven board of directors, two from each branch and three from the headquarters. 

Yangon Branch Chairman Ko Ko Lay and Vice Chairman Ye Myint Thein were former political prisoners and have a long history of commitment and dedication for democratic change.

Tokyo Branch Chairwoman Moe Thwe is a chemical engineer and has been a dedicated member of CSM. 

From 1997 to the present, CSM helped refugees from Myanmar and gave educational and political ideas to the youth in Myanmar. Moreover, the overseas Burmese people living in the USA face their own problems owing to many factors such as cultural diversity, lack of language proficiency and lack of information. CSM gives community assistance in various ways such as residence application, educational assistance, employment counseling, and social problem solving. CSM will assist overseas Burmese to integrate into the countries granting their residency.


CSM seeks to foster and promote the understanding of the concept of Civil Society and facilitate the enhancement of associational skills among overseas and inland Burmese communities.


CSM will help all Burmese pro-democracy groups in any way possible. Among the different pro-democracy groups, CSM will attempt to foster mutual understanding and unity. This will be accomplished by exploring common ground for cooperation and promoting family spirit and loving kindness for the foundation of a stable society.


  • To set up CSM as news and information distributor and educator
  • To build a strong civil society by cooperating and coordinating among youth organizations and civic organizations.
  • To pursue international support and create awareness about Myanmar’s internal conflicts
  • To promote human rights issues and address to create awareness.
  • To form a coalition force to establish rule of law and peace within the country